Try out our new online parenting community!

Be one of the first people to check out Tip, our new free online parenting community. The first version has recently launched, offering practical tips from parents and professionals on pregnancy, birth and parenting, all in one place

Where do you go for baby advice and support? Family and friends? Midwives and health visitors? Apps and forums? There are pros and cons to each, but our new free online parenting community, Tip, aims to combine the best of all of these.

Helpful nuggets to help you deal with everything from poonamis to playdates and teething to tantrums

Co-designed with over 400 parents, NCT antenatal teachers and volunteers, and our friends at the charity Shift, Tip was launched in beta this week. This means we’re looking for the first parents to check out an early version of the community and try it for themselves.

You’ll already find over 3,000 tips from both parents and professionals, a number growing by the day. And it’s all based on evidence and experience.

So, join up, have an explore and do add your own tips to help other parents out there. It’s best viewed on your phone.

And of course, if you like it, do tell all your friends about it!

Join Tip today!

Explore our new online parenting community – click here

Tell us what you think – email