Maternity Action launches videos to tackle pregnancy discrimination

Find out about three new videos which aim to inform women of their health and safety rights at work during pregnancy.

Shockingly, 54,000 women a year are forced out of work because of pregnancy or maternity-related discrimination.

Very few women raise a concern with their employer about pregnancy related discrimination.  Many women are unaware of their rights at work or are unsure about how to approach the issue.

Maternity Action, a charity committed to ending inequality and improving the health and well-being of pregnant women, partners and young children, has developed three videos which aim to inform women of their health and safety rights at work during pregnancy.

They are designed to guide women through a step-by-step process for raising disputes with employers.

The videos provide information about how to notify an employer of pregnancy, health and safety risk assessments, antenatal appointments and maternity leave.

Support and information

You’ll find lots of helpful information about pregnancy and work plus returning to work on our website.