We asked parents what they’d like Father Christmas to deliver this year. Or take away. Yes, adults are allowed presents too…
What you wished for at Christmas in your pre-parent days is probably quite different from what you wish for now. Read on to find out what parents told us they wanted this year. Any of these on your Christmas list?
What’s snot to love about this wish: “For Christmas, I would like to stop being used as a human tissue.” Jenny, mum to Fox, 20 months, and Rudy, 12 months
Leaks and creaks: “For Christmas, I would like a nappy that is guaranteed not to leak, a nursery door that closes silently and a toddler instruction manual.” Alistair, dad to Jodi, 14 months
Silence at last: “For Christmas, I would like a child-muting remote control, a maid, and a legally-binding peace treaty between squabbling siblings.” Kate, mum to Marc, four years and Jonny, two years
Drafting in the reinforcements: “For Christmas, I would like a clone.” Jeff, dad to James, 11 months
A clean break: “For Christmas, I would like my husband to do all poo nappies for a month. A spa weekend. My baby sleeping past 5.45am. And him eating all of the food I prepare.” Fran, mum to Rex, 16 months. “Oh and can I add a self-cleaning kitchen for when he feeds it to the wall instead?”
Like you’ve just stepped out of a salon: “For Christmas, I would like 15 minutes twice a week to blow-dry my hair and feel like a normal human being. I barely brush it.” Jen, mum to Freya, 14 months
Just one wish, tweeze: “For Christmas, I would like a humongous set of pincers so I can pick things up from all over the room while sitting down and feeding.” Sarah, mum to Eva, six years, Lilian, three years and Anna, 2 months
A date with the bath, and my wardrobe: “I’d love the chance to read a book in the bath, and not be in fear of the baby waking up. Not working to a by-the-minute schedule of feeds and naps. And to think about my outfit rather than the baby’s.” Lara, mum to Teddy, four months
Being a grown up again: “I’d love to read a book that’s not about ‘night nights’ or baby animals. And listen to proper music without lyrics about alphabets or body parts. I mourn for my music listening and book reading days.” Dee, mum to Leah, 14 months
Wiped out: “For Christmas I’d like to only have my own bottom to wipe. Not have chewed food put on my plate. And finally, during the party season (on a rare night out), I’d like to put on my hardly worn heels without small people wanting to try them on first.” Alice, mum to Iris, four years and Daniel, 20 months
An easy ride: “This year, I’d like a guarantee that my kids won’t do a runner just as the train door shuts.” Abigail, mum to Ralph, six years and Freddy, 18 months
Not to lose the snooze battle: “I’d like to have a snooze button that works. Not a tiny person beside me that pulls my hair, and tries to rip my face off with their tiny baby claws.” Sarah, mum to Olivia, 12 months
High hopes for hot drinks: “This Christmas, I’d like the chance to finish my cup of tea or coffee before it goes cold. Is that too much to ask Santa?” Ronnie, dad to Dexter, 6 weeks
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