Travelling with your tot

Making a journey with your little one can be exciting but daunting too. Here we discuss practical steps to help get things off to a flying start.

It’s that time of year when you may be thinking about taking day trips or heading off on a family holiday. While getting out and about with your little ones can be fun and exciting, some parents may also feel nervous about the prospect of travelling with a tot.

Thinking about all the things you may need, particularly if the journey might take longer than planned, can be really helpful. For instance, have you got enough drinks, snacks and favourite toys, as well as other essentials like nappies, wipes and a change of clothes for any potential accidents?

Don’t rush – this will help make journeys less stressful.

Slings can be especially useful if you’re on foot, or travelling to places where you’re unsure about buggy access.

A top tip from most parents is not to rush or put yourself under pressure as this will help make journeys less stressful.

We’ve all had that moment as we’re just about to leave home and realise there’s a dirty nappy to change, so factor in some extra time.

Happy motoring

If you’re travelling by car, your baby might be entertained by simply looking out of the window, but it may help to think about other ways to keep them occupied. Toys attached to the overhead bar of the car seat can be a good idea, or a book that can be clipped to the seat.

A crying baby on a long car journey can be stressful and upsetting, so you could try to time your journey around your baby’s nap times and stop for breaks if you feel the need. Some families find that one parent sitting in the back can provide comfort or distraction.

“When driving to France for a wedding, we took the Channel Tunnel and broke up the journey,” says Suman Hughes, mum to Hari, 15 months, and member of Wandsworth and District NCT branch.

“Luckily in France there are lots of service stations and picnic areas. The main lessons we learned were timing the drive around Hari’s bedtimes and nap times.”

It’s important that little ones stay hydrated, especially when the weather’s warmer, so think about drinks for all of you for the journey, as well as window blinds.

You may want to talk to your GP or pharmacist about suggestions for travel sickness, like anti-sickness wrist bands, and think about whether it’s best to avoid setting off when your little one is too full of food or milk.

Car seat safety

Many retailers will make sure your car seat is properly fitted when you buy it and it is important to follow all the safety instructions with your model. Current guidance is to keep babies rear facing for as long as possible.

At a certain weight (from 22 to 29 pounds depending on the car seat) babies will need to change up to the next stage car seat. Your child’s straps should be pulled tight so you can only fit one finger’s width between the strap and your child’s body.

Read more about fitting car seats.

The locomotion

When travelling by train, try to avoid rush hour and think about which stations have lifts for pushchairs (you can usually find this information online). Don’t be afraid to ask for help either.

It may be best to avoid sitting in quiet zones as other passengers may not be sympathetic to a chatty toddler or crying baby.

When exiting a train or tube, be mindful of gaps and try to get off backwards as it’s often safer than tipping your baby forwards.

Many parents find it’s best to sit near the toilets where there’s often more space and flip-up seats to accommodate pushchairs.

Apply the brake and, when exiting, be mindful of gaps and try to get off backwards as it’s often safer than tipping your baby forwards.

Much of the same advice applies when using buses – getting on at the back may be easier and think about travelling light as you may have to fold your buggy up for wheelchair users or if there are already two pushchairs onboard.

Alternatively, depending on how frequent your buses are, it might be easier to wait for the next one if you can’t get on.

Travelling when pregnant

✈ Airlines require a letter from a doctor or midwife from 28 weeks of pregnancy, although this depends on the airline’s policy so it’s best to check. Most airlines will not allow you to fly from 36 weeks, or 32 weeks if you’re expecting twins, triplets or more!

✈ There can be a risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), especially on long haul flights, so think about wearing flight socks and try to move around every 30 minutes.

✈ Ask for a seatbelt extension on the aeroplane to fit around your bump.

✈ When using public transport, think about wearing a Baby on Board badge to help you get a seat.

✈ In the car make sure you wear the cross strap between your breasts and the other strap under your bump, never across it.

✈ Make sure you stay well hydrated in hot weather, however you travel.

Plane sailing

The thought of flying with a little one – especially long haul – can fill some parents with dread. Luckily, many airports have dedicated areas to entertain children, as well as buggies you can use. Some airlines also let you keep your own pushchair with you right up to the boarding gate.

As with other modes of transport, it can be really helpful to think about everything you might need in your hand luggage, such as books, toys and changes of clothes for both baby and yourself in case of accidents.

It makes sense to check the weight limit for your airline before departure too. Children under two don’t usually have their own seat and may have to sit on your lap, so taking a cushion or blanket can help.

When travelling long haul with a baby, you can request a bassinet for them to sleep in (these go up to 23 pounds) and travelling at night can reduce stress as it allows baby to stick to their usual routines.

Rachel Picken, mum to Olivia and Bryher and member of Chacewater Cornwall NCT branch says: “We took a long haul flight to Australia when Olivia was 20 months and we invested in a mini kids’ suitcase, which was great as I stuffed it with snacks, toys and books and she could also sit on it when we were waiting.”

You’ll be allowed to take as much formula as you need and staff can provide boiling water, as well as warming baby food for you. Feeding babies on take-off and landing can help alleviate ear popping.

Planes, trains or automobiles...

Whichever mode of transport you choose, taking your time and thinking ahead will all help.

And most of all, remember that travelling with a little one can be great fun as you explore and have new adventures together.