Find out how we’re making a difference to families in Leeds through antenatal and postnatal support groups.
In Leeds, we’re working with Bankside children’s centre to provide weekly antenatal and postnatal support for some of the most vulnerable families in the area including asylum seekers and low income families.
In 2016, our antenatal service supported 70 pregnant women and the postnatal services supported 54 mums.
Women who come to the drop-in groups are referred by midwives, children’s centre services, voluntary and community organisations and friends.
They have different complex needs, often experiencing feelings of loneliness and isolation, low self-esteem and confidence, insecure or transitional housing, and relationship difficulties including domestic abuse.
Our latest report found that women’s feelings of wellbeing and confidence improved as a result of attending the groups.
All of the women said that they felt ‘better’ and ‘less stressed’ as a result of having someone to talk to and feeling listened to.
Ninety-four per cent of women said they felt more confident about being a parent.
One mum said: “I feel free, light, like I’m not stressed. In case you have a problem there is someone who can listen for you. If I don’t come here I feel like something is missing. Although it’s far I come even in the rain”.
Many women also said it helped them to access further support including midwifery and children’s centre services, voluntary support services and support to attend English classes.
“There is one place which I go on Friday which is like a playgroup. She [NCT practitioner] told me about this. They helped me to register with a college for English classes with childcare,” one mum told us.
We’re really proud of the support this project is providing to local families who need it. We hope that it continues to go from strength to strength.
Find out more about the Bankside project by watching our video and reading the report.