The coronavirus outbreak is seeing many families working from home, while caring for their little ones. Read on for some ideas on how to cope.
We’re all wondering it. How are we going to get through the next few weeks at home with our partner without throttling them?
You’re on top of each other in the house. Plus there’s the fact you might also both have jobs to do and a baby at home – so that can make the situation more stressful. Here are some tips for making it work for you.
Ideally, you could both take turns looking after your baby while the other one works. If you can do this, you’re in one of the best possible situations.
Whatever happens, you’re probably going to find you can’t both do a rigid nine to five (although with some jobs, this might be the expectation, see below).
You might both have to spread your work out more throughout the day. For example, one partner could look after the baby in the morning until lunchtime, when the other person takes over childcare until teatime. Or you could alternate two hours ‘shifts’ of work, accommodating conference calls and deadlines.
It might mean the work day for both of you is spread over a longer period of on and off working. Although it’s nice that you’ll get to spend more time with your baby during the day, it can be difficult if you feel you never switch off from work.
You could create a cutoff point that you don’t work past, say 9pm. That way, you know when you can switch off your laptop and relax. For more tips on teamwork in a relationship, see here.
Some people are fresher in the morning, and others would rather have a lie in then work into the night.
If you’re a morning person, you could get up and start work at 6am, and get a few hours in while your partner takes care of your baby. Then you could knock off work by the end of nap time.
Or you could have the morning to look after your baby, then work through from early afternoon to the evening, if that suits you. Make sure you’re having some time off from both working and childcare though. Watch something you want to on TV, or speak to a friend or family member.
Things might get more difficult if you’re both expected to be on call during the peak daytime hours. If you’re struggling, it might be worth having a chat with your boss about how much you can realistically get done.
They might be more flexible if they understand the situation you’re in. For more about working from home with a baby or toddler, see here.
We’re all in this for the long haul, and as much as possible it’s a good idea to give each other some space. Especially if one of you is showing symptoms of COVID-19.
Try and work in different rooms.
Try and work in different rooms, and bear in mind each other’s need to work.
There’s nothing more annoying than when you’re knee-deep in spreadsheets and your partner wanders in to ask where they can find a clean bib.
As an aside to the above, if you’re looking after your baby and you don’t normally, here’s a top tip. Don’t sweat the little things. Especially at the moment.
Understanding you both have a different way of doing things and they are both valid is important.
That works both ways too – if your partner is looking after the baby while you’re working, don’t pull them up if they do things differently from you. If your baby is happy and looked after, it doesn’t matter if they had lunch or a nap a bit later/earlier than you’d normally do it. Understanding you both have a different way of doing things and they are both valid is important.
Of course, working from home without childcare isn’t the best situation to be in. You might feel that you’re not doing the best job of your work or looking after your baby.
Remember that this is an extraordinary time, and these are temporary measures. Your work will hopefully understand if you can’t be as 100% as committed as usual. And as long as you show your baby love and affection, they don’t care if they have cheesy mash three days in a row (alright, they might object by the fourth day).
Work worries aside, see this as nice opportunity for everyone to be at home together. Some families are having meals at the same time for the first time ever during weekdays.
Even though you have to work, it’s probably more relaxing not to have to rush to get out in the morning. You could even have an extra half an hour in bed (if your baby lets you).
Your baby has no idea what coronavirus is – they’re just going to really enjoy spending so much time with you both. Have a look at great games you could play with them for their development here.
For tips on how to deal with anxiety over coronavirus, see here.
Coronavirus has thrown up so many questions for pregnant women and new parents. We’ve compiled this FAQ so you have reliable information and support when you need it
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Our branch volunteers are running online groups and activities, if you need some company or a chat. Visit our local events page and enter your postcode to find out what’s happening in your area.
Read the NHS advice on what you should do when you’re self isolating to try and prevent passing on the virus to other people at home.
Our support line offers practical and emotional support with feeding your baby and general enquiries for parents, members and volunteers: 0300 330 0700.